Petri Lappalainen is professional theatre practiotioner whos speciality are visual ja physical theater. Lappalainen is bachelor of performing arts, graduated in 2008 from Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences in Finland. He has diversely worked as teacher, director, actor and writer. He has passion especially for mask theater, nonspoken theater, dance and traditional performing arts of Asia. In his life Lappalainen is inspired by everything marginal and hidden which are often ingored in everyday life. Also he is interested of immense experiences that humans can have which are uncapable to describe by words but by means of art.
Lappalainen has developed modern shadow theater and makes shadow theater performances as well as organizes education for children and adults. He has studied shadow theater in Italy and Germany. In 2016, he founded the Finnish Shadow Theater Association. Are you interested in shadow theater courses or performances?